Where is Buchanan Storage located?
Buchanan Storage
70 Cypress Rd
Buchanan, TN 38222

What are the office hours?
Our staffed office hours at each location are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

When can I access my storage unit?
With your personalized gate access code, you can securely access your unit 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year!

Am I required to store long-term?
We provide flexible month-to-month lease options. Store with us short or long-term.

What security features do High Point Storage facilities offer?All High Point Storage facilities offer 24-hour video surveillance, coded gate entry, and perimeter fencing.

What type of units and storage options do you offer?
We offer indoor parking for RVs, boats, and other vehicles. Our spaces are safe, accessible, and dry, allowing you to keep your ride sheltered from the sun, wind, and rain. You can also speak to your facility manager about setting up a convenient automatic draft to pay each month.

Is a credit check required to rent a High Point facility storage unit? No! No credit check is required.

How do I pay my storage bill? Easily and securely pay your storage bill online using our online pay portal.
When is my rental fee due?
Your rent will be due each month. Some High Point Storage locations are set up for payment to be due on the 1st of each month and others are due each month on the same day as the initial move-in date.
High Point Storage Buchanan - same day as the move-in date.

What are the length of terms of your lease agreement?At High Point storage facilities, our agreements are month-to-month with NO hidden or extra fees. How do I cancel my agreement? Simply give us 10 days notice at any time you are ready to end your storage agreement with any of our facilities.
Are the cameras monitored?Our cameras are recording all the time but they are not monitored 24/7.
Can I share access to storage space with others?It is your storage unit and you can decide who has access. However, we do request if someone has your access code, you list them on your rental agreement or you accompany them to the facility.

What documentation do I need to rent a unit?
A valid form of government-issued ID such as a driver’s license, passport, or state ID.

Are there any items I am NOT allowed to store at your facility? High Point Storage facilities do not allow the storage of perishables, plants, animals, stolen or illegal goods, flammable or hazardous items, combustible items, or liquids.
What does “climate controlled” mean?Climate Controlled units have air temperature and humidity levels that are controlled by our top-of-the-line HVAC systems, just like your home! It protects the contents of your unit from extreme heat and cold weather and helps eliminate any risk of moisture.